Saturday, October 17, 2015

(day 4) döner lunch at local lokantasi

After spending hours at the Chora Museum, trying to decipher the mosaics, I was starving. We decided to grab a quick lunch on the way to our next destination.

A street of colorful Turkish houses.

We stopped at a local lokantasi, which is something akin to a cafeteria or a deli, I guess.

There is usually a selection of pre-prepared foods, and you tell the owner which one you would like.

We didn't go for the lokantasi food though, and got döner instead (you can see the guy shaving off the meat). Apparently this area is a final stop for a lot of drivers (trucks, public transportation), who will then grab a quick meal here, so the food here is pretty cheap with no frills.
I took a picture of the döner but it didn't save. :( It was pretty plain-looking (and tasting) though, just a sandwich.

We got a cup of ayran to drink. I had been excited to try this since reading about it, it's a typical refreshing yogurt drink that people have with a meal, costs maybe 50cents.

Iiiiiittttt was gross. I hated it. Hate hate hated it. It's salty! I don't mind the yogurt taste, but with the salt it really tastes like a yak just squeezed it out or something. Yuck. I'm sure once you get used to it, or if you grow up drinking it it's delicious, but it wasn't my taste. :< I gave mine to Ali.

Shared my lunch with some kitties. This big fat one...

...and this little baby one! They look similar so I thought they were mom and baby, but the fat one kept hogging all of the food, and the little one was all skin and bones and couldn't compete. I had to throw a decoy piece of meat to the fat one and then throw another piece to this one further away. Which he promptly couldn't find. Poor little idiot probably isn't gonna make it...


  1. Thought you had found PMT at first...sorry it was not good. At least it wasn't warm yak milk, right?
